Превращает вашу мышку в MIDI контроллер. Можно одновременно управлять двумя параметрами. Так же если в Setup нажать кнопку V превращает Вашу QWERTY клавиатуру в MIDI клавиатуру.
Внимание! Во время игры виртуальная клавиатура должна быть активным приложением.
Для управления виртуальными синтезаторами необходима установка виртуального MIDI драйвера
например: MIDI YOKE
MIDI Mouse Mod is another in my series of alternative input devices for MIDI information... This one allows you to move the mouse on a grid and modify up to 4 continuous MIDI controllers in realtime! If you've ever used a Korg Wavestation, and it's little joystick, this is like that, on steroids (but not anabolic steroids, those are illegal!). You can control the direction of the controller information (0-127 or 127-0), the screen space used (entire grid or just half), and if the controller switches to another halfway through. Very very very cool for synthesizers that allow realtime control of envelope, etc (like the Novation BassStation), or even for your run of the mill board (they pretty much ALL support volume and pan). This also has the Virtual Piano functionality built into it as well.
Freeware Автор: analogx.com