Виртуальный MIDI драйвер
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MIDI YOKE is a MIDI Patch Cable driver. It is a Windows (Versions 3.1x, 95, 98 and ME) multimedia driver. Also available is a driver for Windows NT and 2000 (unfortunately not as robust).
MIDI Yoke NT: This driver works in Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. It is completely different code from the Windows 9x MIDI Yoke driver. It is hard coded to 8 ports and can't be changed. It is not as robust as the Windows 9x driver, is still Beta code and will not be supported -- use at your own risk.
MIDI YOKE is used to connect any Windows MIDI Application outputs to any other Applications inputs. The MIDI data stream is passed directly from output to input -- Example:
[ Sequencer Out ]==>[ Out MIDI Yoke In ]==>[ In MIDI-OX 32 ]
[MIDI Keyboard In]==>[In MIDI-OX Out]==>[Out MIDI Yoke In]==>[In Sequencer]
This allows you to connect the MIDI output from one program to the MIDI input of a different program. MIDI Yoke can be configured to provide a varying number of MIDI Ports (from 1 to 16). In addition, each port allows multiple opens of both input and outputs: up to 4 openings per port. This flexibility provides for almost any configuration imaginable. Note: The NT driver is fixed at 3 ports and 3 openings for the moment.
Freeware Author: Jamie O'Connell midiox.com